

Strategic Planning – Looking for Patterns in Your Finances

Strategic Planning – Looking for Patterns in Your Finances When you’ve got all of your financial information in front of you, it can feel overwhelming. Especially when it comes to business finances. If you followed our last guide ‘Doing the Math’ you should now have a much clearer overview of your financial performance in the previous year and roughly why it performed this way. The next stage is to look for patterns within the numbers that can serve as clues for planning. Start with the Customer A good place to start is by sorting all of the orders by the customer. If you sell fast-moving items such as food or fashion, it will be better to approach this slightly differently. For fast-mov


Strategic Planning Guide – Step Two Doing the Math

Strategic Planning Guide – Step Two Doing the Math If you read our first installment of strategic planning for business owners, by now you have hopefully carried out the first step; reviewing and asking ‘why’ things happened the way they did. Now it’s time to focus on really understanding the operations of the company. This is the next logical step after we’ve taken the time to reflect on the root cause behind wins and losses. One powerful way to this is to look at the numbers. When it comes to handling and analyzing the business finances most of us run in the opposite direction! Looking at the numbers means focusing on the math, and even for business people, math can feel unfamiliar or